James Sheriff

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The War is Over and the Battle is Won...

This unit seems like it's been going on that long now that I've forgot whats been happening at the start! The timed tasks, the presentation, the final timed piece. It seems like I've gone through a lot of work over the past eight week.

When I've been looking through the previous timed assignments, I can see that I have clearly improved since the first one. The quality just seems to have got better and better as the more I go on. It does prove that practice makes perfect. When asked to decide which piece of work that I wanted to drop, I immediately went with the paint tube one. I just wasn't happy at all with what I produced for that task. I couldn't get anything the way I wanted it to and struggled with the small scale. Designing for something small is a very hard task. You have to get everything readable which is hard to do when the entire label is only an inch or so. This is a problem that you are meant to solve as a designer but I just couldn't do it in the alloted time.

The presentation was finally performed today. To be honest, I was rather worried about the whole ordeal. I started doubting myself. Have I done enough research? What if... etc etc etc. When I arrived at the room and Steve shouted me, I felt a bit calmer, as soon as he said "It's warm isn't?" I felt a lot more relaxed. I think I was expecting Steve to be quite hard faced during the presentation for some reason. Luckily, I had been revising typography before I went into the presentation and I could answer most questions about counters, apexes, cross strokes and ligatures without stumbling too much.

The last timed task which was done on Typographical elements went better than I expected. I did feel that half way through that I really hadn't got much done but as soon as the pressure built up I kept on going. I couldn't get my grid right for my layout, I could have quite easily spent 2 hours doing that. Once it was done though, I stormed through the other pages. I managed to get four complete pages done at the end.

Time planning was different this time around, the only thing we could really plan was our presentation research. The timed tasks were completely random so a couple of minutes needed to be spent during the start. This is something I did on some tasks and not on others. I wish I had done it on them all because I know that I may have spent way too much time on a task that should only take a few minutes.

This was definetly one of my favourite units so far of the course, I feel that I have been a fan of typography for a while now without really knowing it but I feel that I'm a fully fledged fan.

I can honestly say though that I am quite relieved it's all over. I did enjoy the unit, especially the timed tasks. I would maybe like to do a similar sort of unit that involves timed tasks again but hopefully one without a presentation at the end.

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