James Sheriff

Monday, March 05, 2007

Dry Run...

Well this week was different due to having Thursday split into massive presentation practice sessions. Me, Jamie and Craig went through our presentations and it allowed me to look at what other people were doing and also Steve thought about each of our presentations.

I went through mine and finished it on 3 minutes and 40 seconds, leaving over a minute for questions. This was something I was scared of doing as I thought I would have gone over the 5 minutes due to having 13 slides!

Another aspect of the presentation is dealing with tricky questions. Steve threw one in at the end of my presentation and asked "What's Neville Brody's middle name?" I recalled that I had never seen it anywhere and simply said he didn't have one. Handling tricky questions is also important.

On the website front, I have finished it and it validates as XHTML Transitional. Fortunatly I didn't have as much as Craig did at getting there! I've also started writing my evaluation for that assignment and I can think of quite a bit to put in it.

The talk which we had from Jonny Haynes was also very interesting and gave an insight into the company he works for. He also gave me plenty of links to useful websites such as http://www.alvit.de/handbook/ If you read this Jonny, thanks for coming in! It was very interesting.

I am looking forward to the new assignment as it will be something new and fresh to do.

1 comment:

Craig Burgess said...

I don't know what went wrong with mine. One day it was fine, and the next day it wouldn't even validate as HTML 4 Transitional