James Sheriff

Thursday, February 15, 2007

User Testing

This week was certainly different. The user testing session was quite intense but allowed people to comment on what I had achieved so far. After looking through what people had written and commented I found that maybe the questions I asked were not good enough. Three out of the twelve questions were answered with simple yes or no answers which left me with not much feedback. Quite disappointing really as I missed out on some valuable testing time. The results however, look good on paper and make me look like I'm doing nothing wrong.

The feedback I did gather however has helped me improve things that were wrong with the site. For example people commented that the navigation needs spacing out more and so on.

This weeks task bombs were also something I enjoyed. The first one involved a grid layout and masthead design. I knew that there would a task which would involve filling it with content and there was, straight after. I enjoy these tasks very much and it should hopefully give us a taste of what it will be like in the workplace. I managed to get both these tasks done with a few minutes to spare this week. In the past I have been at the last minute or so and the pressure does set in.

I'm also doing well on my presentation, something I haven't mentioned much in my blog. I find it hard to concentrate on just typography, especially since Brody has done a lot of graphic design work. Also his fonts are not the best to use for body text and can only be described as display fonts.


Craig Burgess said...

Nice design there James. I've already seen it once, but I thought I'd tell you again.

You might have got lots of 100%s, but if you've received lots of useful feedback as to how to change your site like you mentioned, surely you've done something right?

James said...

Thanks Craig.

Yes I have done something right. The thing I'm disappointed about is the fact that user testing which involves 13 people looking over your site doesn't happen very often, so having not very good questions has wasted the oppurtunity. It's something for me to bear in mind for next time though.

Ben Waller said...

Hi James,

Thanks for pointing that out about my site in Firefox, I don't know why it is doing that but I will look into it and try to get it sorted out!

Scott Dunwoodie said...

For the user testing I think it may be more useful in future if there are more options for the user to trial.

For example I wanted to have different buttons for people to comment on and ask which they prefer. Also different navigational layouts, although this goes against the planning on paper stage.

Maybe there should be another development stage like a "wireframe" working site before final designs are completed. Just a thought!