James Sheriff

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Blown To Bits...

I think this week has been so monumental that it deserves a blog post for each day. It was the morning after the night before. After interrogating Steve on the train on the way to London and on the way back he told me that there would be no Task Bombing on Thursday.

Imagine my surprise when I came back from break and was faced with a timed assignment. The task was to create a copy of a design on the projector. It was more of a test of competency in PageMaker/InDesign than a design exercise. A warm up. It was testing to me at the start and I managed to figure out how to do things that I've never tried to do in InDesign before. I was only whiskers away from handing the piece in but just missed out on the time limit. Thankfully, that was only a warm up.

The second piece I enjoyed doing the most. It allowed me to get creative. I also think that my development work was an improvement on past projects with rough thumbnails going through to printed cock ups then the final piece.

Just when I thought it was all over, after dinner the big one came along. It had a brief this time. A properly designed one by Steve. This worried me a bit as the first two didn't. The paint tube packaging started off good for me. I got some ideas together in my sketchbook then started to design the label in InDesign. I got to the point where I was happy with the design, the colour, the positioning of everything. I then printed it out and found it to be totally unreadable due to it being so small. I had to change the fonts round and make everything bigger. It got to the point where I only had a minute left and I just managed to get it in. I was a bit disapointed that I'd made such a glaring mistake and not tested it by printing it out earlier. You learn from your mistakes though so I will know next time.


Craig Burgess said...

Nice design that you came up with thought James. I thought you wasn't going to get it in on time, but luckily you did.

Marc Pugh said...

I had the same problem. I think I will need to work on my time keeping skills a lot more. I always seem to get things done just before the deadline. I hope I can improve this.

James said...

Finishing just before the deadline is a good thing and shows that you've used your time well. Finishing earlier means that you have been given too much time for the task in hand!

Anybody agree on this?

Julian Dyer said...

I sort of half agree with you, James. I think that you should always build in some “downtime” so that if something unexpected goes wrong you have some time in hand. What if the printer had run out of toner? What if your computer had crashed? Obviously, you don’t want to be finishing half an hour before the deadline, as you would have wasted a load of time.

I think as the efficiency of production gets better, it should take less and less time to complete the tasks. This only comes with experience though, which we are currently building on.