James Sheriff

Thursday, January 18, 2007

False Start...

This week has been a bad start for me. I couldn’t make it in due to the illness given. I was pretty disappointed as I was really looking forward to getting back. Yes, you read that right. I was looking forward to getting back. I could finally start my assignments, which would give me something to do when not at college.

I have had chance to look over the assignments though and I’m really looking forward to next Wednesday.

The Builder project is something that I can really see myself excelling at. Hopefully. Having experience in designing websites should hopefully give me an advantage. It may allow me to help other people that are struggling.

Looking over the Revert to Type project it looks like the one that is scariest this time. Having work just sprung upon you when you least expect it is going to be quite challenging and hopefully quite fun as well.

Having to do a presentation is something that I can see scaring some people again this time. Hopefully I will do as well as last time. Five minutes doesn’t seem a long time on paper but I can imagine it to be a lifetime stood in front of an audience. I’m glad I have got Neville Brody as he was probably one of the only few that I had heard of before. I was surprised to see that David Carson was not included on the list.

Overall I’m looking forward to get back into it and get back into college life.


Chris Towell said...

Looks like I've finally found another person scared of the Presentation! I don't like the idea of this 'Task Bombing' in lesson time but I guess it's gearing us up for the 'Real World'. Does seem an interesting Assignment though.

Chris said...

Glad i've gone onto the HNC just in time. I've done things like the presentation task plenty of times before and never really bothered me. And the "Task Bombing" I have also had experience in doing things like this before but not at this level, so I don't feel like i'm missing out on anything.

Craig Burgess said...

I like the sound of the "Task Bombing". It will keep things a little shook up and on edge, instead of letting us settle down too much.

Sometimes you work better with a little bit of pressure.

James said...

So who coined the phrase of "Task Bombing" then?

Chris Towell said...


Sorry this has been the cause of much debate and it has to be me on this first post here.