James Sheriff

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Quick Post...

Here is the Purple handout if anyone can't bear to wait while we're back in on Wednesday.

Saved as a PDF so it's only a small file.

I've also been tweaking my blog by adding a header image and also making the blogger toolbar invisible when not in use. It is still there though and when you hover over it, it will appear again.

To do it, all you have to do is edit your template and input this code after /* Use this with templates...*/ so it looks like this...

/* Use this with templates/template-twocol.html */

#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

Then hopefully it should work like mine does. The second line of the CSS tells the browser to make the navbar iFrame go invisible, the second line makes the bar come back when on hover. You can actually delete the second line and it will remain invisible at all times. I do find it handy though so I've decided to keep it.


Craig Burgess said...

You really love those Serif fonts don't you James? I'm starting to see you style and which things you favour.

But on a criticism angle, I like it. It's simple, and functional. If I could say anything about it though, I'd say it's a bit too simple.

It's got to grab interest remember (the header bar).

James said...

It is plain, the header was the same as Scotts and Craigs blog. Which is a big improvement in my eyes.

As with the serif fonts, yes I do like them but it is a new love, and we are in the honeymoon period. Who knows, I may divorce Serif and go with her plain Jane of a sister Sans Serif.

I decided to do my portfolio website in sans due to the fact the serif fonts just didn't look right.

Craig Burgess said...

I do agree. Massive improvement. I think it's about time I personalised mine a bit more.

Scott Dunwoodie said...

I really like your new clean design. Of course incorporating the "Sheriff Badge" trademark.

I do like the serif font but if you are to listen to the guru Neilson, he would pick a sans serif as it's quicker to scan.

What does he know ?

James said...

Nielsen may say that but newspapers still use Serif fonts to this day. And I'm sure that newspapers pre-date Mr Nielsen - if only just!

Craig Burgess said...

Just noticed, there's no link to the home page!

James said...

Sorted it.