James Sheriff

Monday, November 06, 2006

Brand New...

Well it's brand new assignment time. It's a great sigh of relief because if I'm starting the next ones, it means I can finally put A2 to bed. That's one assignment done.

I was eager to find out how I had done in my assignment and stayed behind on Wednesday to get the low down from Steve. I was happy with the pass grade but there were some things I wasn't happy about. For a start I didn't manage to meet any of the criteria for the merit sections but managed to get 1 in the distinction area.

I should have been happy with that but to me it's like a false economy. It teaches me that next time I will have to aim on getting everything upto scratch.

Steve also mentioned that my evaluative writing is not upto scratch which is a totally fair comment. I find it hard to write evaluations without falling in the trap of being too descriptive rather than evaluative.

Planning is also something I need to improve for the new assignments. I've decided to go about it a different way this time. Using Google calendar, I will post my time planning on my blog as it should help me keep track wherever I am.

Hopefully this will help me to plan better and hopefully encourage it more.

The 'Picture This' assignment is something I am looking forward to as it incorporates writing as well as creative work.

I'm feeling positive about the work that's coming up over the next few weeks.

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